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Search results

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    PSN Looking For A Clan

    Demolition Gaming (DxG) is a large gaming community centered around Call of Duty, We are currently recruiting players for IW on both Playstation 4 and Xbox. Recuirments: 1.6 K/D or higher Must be 16 years old or older Must have Microphone Has to have access to an application called GroupMe...
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    Xbox Live Need clan

    if you and your 8 friends are looking for a home and have a 1.6 K/D or higher on IW go apply to Demolition Gaming on their website DemolitionGaming.com
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    Multi Demolition Gaming (DxG)

    Demolition Gaming (DxG) is a large gaming community centered around Call of Duty, We are currently recruiting players for IW on both Playstation 4 and Xbox. Recuirments: 1.6 K/D or higher Must be 16 years old or older Must have Microphone Has to have access to an application called GroupMe...