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Xbox Live Looking for legit recruits for VGN

VGN Ironmanz

VGN, or Void Gaming Network, is a community Xbox clan that has Call of Duty as our primary focus. As of this moment it is mandatory to have Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 as it is the main title until stated otherwise. As we are a community clan, we also have members that have branched out to other games or COD titles if that is what you prefer. There is no minimum skill level or special skill set to become a member of VGN. Nonetheless, we have a few requirements that must be met in order to be recruited which follows
  • A miminum age of 13 years old
  • Being active online/attend meeting
  • Be respectful to other clan mates
  • Name change requirement after 2 week period starting with first meeting attended
For any further questions/concerns, or to join, please message VGN Ironmanz on Xbox One. As a reminder, we are looking for quality and loyal members in order to grow in the gaming community. Thank you.

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